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I'll assume here that by "70 temperature" you mean "70 degrees Celsius".

Basically, you have to calculate the average temperature of all of the water in the mixture, which will be the final temperature once it's well stirred.

The 200 grams of water at 10 degrees represent 2/3 of the total amount of water (300 grams), so thus, multiply 10 by 2/3 to determine their contribution to the final temperature. You will get 20/3.

The 100 grams of water at 70 degrees represent 1/3 of the total amount of water, so multiply 70 by 1/3 to determine their contribution to the final temperature. You will get 70/3.

When you add together the two temperatures you get 90/3, which is equal to 30. Therefore, the final temperature is 30 degrees Celsius.

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Q: What is the final temperature of the mixture if 100gram of water at 70temperature is added to 200gram of cold water at 10temperature and well stirred?
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