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I can remember but it's paraphernalia, if there is signs of usage or resin in it, you may get a miss demeanor, if your gonna use something use rolling papers, there consider tobacco paraphernalia so you won't get as much of a charge

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Q: What is the fine for a minor charged with a marijuana pipe?
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If you buy a pipe in Amsterdam can you bring it back to America?

Yes, if you bought a pipe in Amsterdam, and packed it in your luggage, you would be fine. IF IT'S CLEAN. If there is marijuana residue in it, they can arrest you.

How long does marijuana residue last in a pipe?

until you clean the pipe

What will happen if you are caught with a used marijuana pipe?

it depends on where you are if you live in a medical state and your caught without a prescription your in big trouble, in decriminalized states like MA you get fined in the other states you will get a criminal trial then let out a rapist to arrest you

Is pipe the same as marijuana?

You can smoke pot in a pipe, but i have heard people reference pot as pipe in code so kinda

Is possession of a marijuana pipe with residue the same as possession of under an ounce?

no its drug paraphenilia for a pipe

How do you make a marijuana pipe?

hey tard its easier to buy one if not just use a tobacco pipe

Can you smoke marijuana out of a pipe?

people smoke marijuana out of apples, what do you think ... i hear its harsh though. tin foil with holes in it is supposed help i guess(be creative)..... and dont get caught with residue on that pipe boy

What pipe should you use for above ground pool?

PVC pipe is fine

What legal punishment will be given if you were caught with a used marijuana pipe and less than a gram of marijuana in Oregon?

You can go to jail for up to 2 years depending on how much you were caught with, and your past felonies. Let me tell you this I have had so many charges for this it isn't funny; nothing to worry about man, trust me, a slap on the wrist if anything. For just a pipe and less than a gram of Marijuana? You get a Possession ticket, and then you'll have to pay a fine from $200-$300 I don't know, but my sister's boyfriend is from Oregon and said most hippie people own a load of marijuana and get away with it.

What does the word hashpipe mean?

Hash pipe is a pipe used for smoking things called hashish, pot, weed, marijuana, or weezer.

How long does marijuana stay on your system wild smoking on a pipe?

30 days

Why do people light an otherwise empty marijuana pipe?

Cause of the weed resin