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The first aid treatment for a heart attack is fairly limited. We can reassure the patient. As well as this, we can help the patient take any prescribed medication (i.e. GTN spray).

The best thing we can do is to phone for an ambulance and to ensure prompt medical treatment is delivered to the patient. This is the best treatment first aiders can provide.

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Q: What is the first aid for heart attack?
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Aspirin can be used as a pain reducer. It is also used as treatment for a heart attack.

Can kool aid mix in food kills people from heart attack?

Koolaid mixed in food will not cause a heart attack. Koolaid is not associated with heart attacks.

What treatment could be for myocardium infraction?

A Myocardium Infarction is a heart attack. The victim needs a hospital. CPR is the only first aid that can be provided.

How long is a general First Aid class from the American Heart Association?

A general First Aid class from the American Heart Association is about 3 - 4 hours.

What is the first-aid for digitalis?

try to get the person to vomit the seeds up (if they have eaten seed or plant parts), second hospital; as to much digitalis will result in an unsteady heartbeat - and possibly a heart attack

How to write a First-aid essay on heart attack?

WikiAnswers will not write your essay for you, but we WILL help you learn how to do it yourself! Click on the Related Questions for even more information. Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic? Look up some facts! How would you explain heart attacks to your friend? What signs would tell you that someone has had a heart attack? What does heart attack mean to you? What happens when you have a heart attack? If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

Who had the first heart attack?

heart attacks have been around since the beginning of time

What evidence is there that it is important to treat signs of depression in those who have had a heart attack?

Depressed heart attack survivors have a higher mortality rate in the first 18 months after the initial heart attack than their nondepressed counterparts.

How many heart attacks can a person have to have a fatal heart attack?

It is most common that a persons FIRST heart attack is a fatal heart attack! Only a small minority of people who have a heart attack survive to have another, and a very few will have multiple heart attacks before they have a fatal one. As such, it is very important that we make lifestyle choices while we are young that will reduce the lilihood of a heart attack when we are older.

What Percent of people die from first heart attack?


How do you medicate people who are wounded usingf a first aid kit?

First aid is not about medication. In the case of a wound, the idea is to immobilize the wounded organ in case of suspected broken bones, disinfect if it is an open wound and then get the wounded person to a proper medical facility in the quickest and safest way. A real first aid kit should not contain medication (unless it is aspirin which is used only for suspected myocardial infarction (heart attack).

The first step in providing assistance for a heart attack is to?

call for help