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It varies from person to person but it usally starts with body oder.

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Q: What is the first event in boys puberty?
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Do boys or girls go through puberty first?

Girls reach puberty earlier than boys at the age of 9-12 years. Boys reach puberty at the age of 12-14 years.

What is the main event that happens puberty?

For girls, the main event is having to have periods. It is quite shocking at first when you see that blood is coming from inside your body. For boys, I guess it's that their body will grow into a more manly shape. (more muscle!)

How heavy are boys when they start puberty?

Puberty doesnt depend on the weight of the body. Usually boys are of 13-14 years of age when puberty starts .

Can you sperm at age 10?

Most boys can't produce sperm at age 10. However puberty is a very variable process and the normal range of ages at which boys start puberty is from 9 until the late teens. Ejaculating sperm is not usually the first stage of puberty but some boys who start puberty at age 9 may be able to ejaculate by age 10. There is also a condition called "precocious puberty" which starts the process of puberty in boys who are younger than 9 years of age. So, although most boys won't be able to produce sperm at 10 there are some boys who will be able to.

How much sooner does girls Puberty begin before boys?

Puberty does not begin at the same time for everyone. Girls on average begin puberty a year before boys.

What age do boys get nocturnal emissions at?

Usually within their first year of puberty according to Wikipedia.

How long does puberty last if first time?

Puberty usually continues till the age of 16-17 in boys. So it lasts for 5-6 years.

How can you go through puberty at 11?

The start of puberty in boys generally occurs between 10 and 14. The first thing a boy usually notices is that he produces (emits) semen, either in his sleep or when masturbating. Things like the start of facial hair and the voice breaking (becoming much deeper) follow later.

Do boys know when they've hit puberty?

One of the first indicators is hair starting to grow on the penis.

Why are girls shorter than guys?

I'm not sure what you mean by this question. Typically, girls are shorter than guys, among most primate species. Girls start puberty before boys therefore at first are taller than boys,but in the end after boys start puberty boys are generally taller.

Why do you have hair on your balls?

It's puberty my friend. ;) Go to some puberty sites for boys you can just type in boys puberty using Google. And if it's to much hair consult a doctor.

Why do boys get attracted to girl during puberty?

Boys go through puberty too, so they don't mind