

What is the first family in the periodic table?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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alkali metals

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Q: What is the first family in the periodic table?
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What is the first family of elements on the periodic table?

the alkali metals

What is the first family on the periodic table of elements?

The first family (Group 1) are the alkali metals.

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What is a family how many are there in periodic table?

A period is a row in the periodic table of elements.

What does family mean in the periodic table?

a family of the periodic table is like a group of elements of the same type.

Are alkai metals the first family of elements on the periodic table of elements?


What family does bohrium belong to in the periodic table?

Group 7 of the periodic table.

What are the family's of the periodic table?

Groups or families are the vertical columns on the periodic table. Periods are the horizontal rows on the Periodic Table.

What family is sulfur in the periodic table'?

Sulfur is in group 16 of the periodic table, in the chalcogen family sometimes called the oxygen family.

The element sodium belongs to which family?

it is belongs to the Alkali metal family, it is on the first column of the periodic table.

Are all Group 1 elements on the periodic table solids?

No. Hydrogen, on a regular periodic table, is the first element in group 1, and it is part of the gas family.

What is the difference3 between a family of elements and elements in the same period?

a family is a column of elements a period is a row of elements