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Q: What is the first part of the process of investigation a question using data?
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What is science investigative project?

* - an investigation about a scientific problem or question* - it is a problem solving process using the scientific method

What is the first part of the process of investigating a question using data?

describing the data

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The process of xerography was first demonstrated in 1938. The first machines using the process were released in the early 1950s and the first fully automatic machine using the process was release in 1959.

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The FBI started their investigation.

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CSI had a special investigation to do.

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How do scientists conduct scientific investigation?

They draft a hypothesis, investigate it. Next, they conduct several experiment's, if they can get good repeatable results others test it. Then it is improved or accepted and over time it may change or disappear completely.

Is using a balance to measure mass a scientific investigation?

Using a balance to measure mass might be part of a scientific investigation, but by itself and under ordinary circumstances it does not amount to a scientific investigation. If you are on a different planet or on a moon, or if you were in the weightlessness of space, then doing this (or trying to do it) might be considered a kind of investigation.

Can you get a lot of energy out of fermentation?

Good question. First of all, fermentation is an energy- releasing process in which oxygen is not required. Therefore explaining that fermentation provides energy for cells without using oxygen.

What is the first thing you should do in the process of researching the question you'll be using as a basis of a research essay?

Go online to look for keywords, issues, authors, and sources related to your topic that you can use in your research.