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Q: What is the flat part of your elbow called?
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whatis the flat part of the seafloor called?

What is the Scientific name the elbow?

the scientific name for the skin on the elbow is called a weenis. The name of the actual elbow (meaning the pointy part you can see) is called the olecranon.

What is the scientific name for elbow?

the scientific name for the skin on the elbow is called a weenis. The name of the actual elbow (meaning the pointy part you can see) is called the olecranon.

What part of your body is called funnybone?

Elbow :D

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What is the flat part of the seafloor?

whatis the flat part of the seafloor called?

What is the name of the end of your elbow?

The "tip" of the elbow (ginglymus joint) is part of the larger lower arm bone, the ulna, and is called the olecranon.

What is the outside part of your elbow called?

Volar: Pertaining to the palm or the sole. For example, the volar surface of the forearm is theportion of the forearm that is on the same side as the palm of the hand.

What is the flat part of the egg called?

Egg white

What joint is formed by the humerus?

The distal (meaning furthest from the body) aspect of the humerus that forms the elbow is called the trochlea, which literally means pulley.The distal & medial aspect of the humerus in the region of the elbow is called the medial epicondyle, but this is more of a site for tendon attachment for flexor muscles. The medial epicondyle is not a part of the actual elbow joint.

Is the fat under your elbow called a winnes?

no it's called elbow fat

What is the flat part of the surface that is bounded by the edge called?
