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Q: What is the flight path from Wash DC to Buenos Aries Argentina?
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The flight distance for direct flights (if available) is 2,378 miles.

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Argentina ------------------------------------ Yerba Mate is a medicinal and cultural drink of ancient origins. Introduced to the world by the Guarani Indians of South America - namely Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.

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About 1 hr and 40 minutes time in the air. Add time for sitting at the ramp, taxiing, etc.

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No, you may only take 3 ounce containers on any FAA flight as carry-on.

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The Boeing 787-8 maiden flight took off from Snohomish County Airport in Everett, Washington

What is the flight time from Wash DC to Brisbane Australia?

The flight time for flights between the above places is 19 hours 27 mins This is an approximate travel time (calculated in ideal conditions. The travel speed is 500 mph and 30 mins for take off and landing). The actual time might change depending on the flight path chosen, weather conditions, etc

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Departure point: Reno, NevadaDestination point: Washington, District of ColumbiaEstimated flight duration: 4 hours, 45 minutes

How do you get lint out of your circumcised penis?

Wash, Wash, Wash!

What is the singular form of wash?

The singular form of "wash" is "washing."

What is the difference between hand wash and body wash?

well hand wash is to wash your hands and body wash is to wash your body but you could use both of them for the same thing.

What is the past present and future tense of wash?

Washed; wash/washing; will wash/[am/are/is] going to wash