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Q: What is the fluid that fills a freely movable joint?
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What is the medical term meaning freely movable joint?

Ball and socket type of synovial joint especially shoulder joint. A freely movable joint is known as a diarthrotic joint. but if your here foe A+ its synovial Diarthroses Freely movable joints are called Diarthroses joints. Synarthroses are immovable joints. Amphiarthroses are slightly movable joints. movable joint

What type of joint are all freely movable or diarthrotic?

or Diarthrosis : articulation taht permits free movement or a freely movable joint also called synovial joint.

Freely movable joints?

allow movement in all directions.There are 4 types of freely movable joints--ball and socket joint,hinge joint,pivot joint and gliding joint.

Is a freely movable joint a ball and socket joint?

Yes, a movable joint can be a ball and socket joint; like your hips and shoulder

What kind of joint is the forearm?

pivot joint.........that's freely movable joint

Synovial fluid is present in joint cavities of freely movable joints what is true about this fluid?

Synovial fluid looks and feels like egg whites, hence their name. It reduces friction between the bones in the joint.

What is a synovial joint?

A synovial joint contains a fluid-filled joint cavity enclosed by an articular capsule. Some of them are enforced by ligaments. Synovial joints are freely movable and examples include the elbow joint and wrist joint.

What articulates with the temporal bone to form a freely movable joint?


Where is a freely movavble joint?

Freely moveable joints are joints that have a great range of motion. These joints are found on many species of animals.

What would happen if there no freely movable joint in the body?

If there were no freely movable joints in the body, then our bones cannot bend and stretch and we would have become like a statue.

Where can the synovial membrane be found In the immovable joint or slightly movable joint?

The Synovial membrane surrounds movable joints and secretes a fluid "synovial fluid" that acts as a lubricant for the joint surfaces.

What is the single most freely movable joint in the body?

Shoulder joint (glenohumeral joint)