

What is the food chain of a common muskrat?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is the food chain of a common muskrat?
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Muskrat is the muskrat's common name. Muskrat derives from a Native American word that was mispronounced by English settlers as musquash. People eventually thought that had something to do with its musky odor, and the name changes to musk beaver and then muskrat. The scientific name of the muskrat is Ondatra zibethicus.

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Where are muskrat in the food chain?

Muskrats eat what plants are available in their habitat, including cattail roots, lily roots and stems. When plants aren't available they will eat whatever is available, whether it be fish or small animals.

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Can a muskrat eat a grasshopper?

Can I eat a burger. No I'm vegetarian. hahaha jk yes i can eat a burger so a muskrat can eat a grasshopper