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red wolf,bocat,

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Q: What is the eastern wolf's food chain?
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Who is at the top of the food chain in the arctic?

polar bears, arctic wolfs, and the great red fox.

Of what food chain is the wolf a part?

They are part of a food chain cause in yellowstone park their are endangerd trees cause the deer and moose eat them so if the wolves eat the deer and moose their is going to be more trees

Does the eastern cougar have any predators?

The Eastern Cougar, like the lion is at the top of the food chain.

What is a food chain in the temperate forest?

bob cat eats the bear bear eats the fish and wolfs wolfs eat the moose moose eat the beaver beaver eat wood.and fish eat the algae

What is a bunny food chain?

Yes, what is the eastern cottontail rabbit food chain

What position on the food chain is the eastern fox snake?

rat,mole,fox snake

What is the eastern mud turtle in the food chain?

The Eastern Mud Turtle is kinda in the middle of the food chain because they are hunted by alligators, muskrats, racoons, and other turtles. All of those animals keep the musk turtle in the middle but the biggest predator of all IS MAN!!!!

Is a predator at the top of a food chain?

The food chain is actually a loop. Bunny eats carrot, cheetah eats bunny, maggots eat cheetah (after death), soil absorbs maggots, carrots absorbs soil, bunny eats carrot ... it goes round and round.The closest thing you could say is that cheetahs are at the top of the predatory food chain.

What eats a eastern black bear?

Nothing really, except humans sometimes. In nature it's the top of the food chain.

Why is a komodo dragon food chain not a food chain?

It is a food chain.

What is a food chain that starts with an acorn?

Well first off, the Sun starts every food chain. Then the Suns nutrience goes to the acorn tree. A squirrel eats the acorn. The squirrel gets eaten by a fox, the fox gets eaten by a wolf. The wolf dies and decomposers break down the nutrience of the wolfs body into the ground.Examples of decomposers:wormsmaggotsbacteriafungus

how many wolfs are left in the world?

Regardless of their classification, there are only 150-170 eastern wolves left in the wild.