

What is the food for rhino?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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mostly short shrubs and trees and grasses in their habitat

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Q: What is the food for rhino?
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When do rhino look for food?

on morning

How do you write a food of rhino?

Simply grass

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Does a rhino store food as fat?

yes the it does

What are the food habits of rhino?

The African White Rhino eats grass (i.e they are grazers) The African Black Rhino eats leaves (i.e they are browsers)

Is a rhino a producer?

Consumers are plants/animals that cannot make their own food. Conversely, producers are organisms that can (usually plants, in the process of photosynthesis.Since a black rhino cannot make its own food, it is considered a consumer.

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The Javan Rhino is a herbivore and its diet consists of plants and other vegetation in the forest they live.

What food chain or food web does the white rhino fit into?

It fits into.......................... CANNIBAL

How do rhino eat their food?

Rhinos first chew it up. The chewed food ferments in the first chamber of the stomach. Then the rhino burps it up and chews it again. The substance is called cud. After the rhino swallows, the food moves to the fourth chamber of the stomach, where enzymes work on the twice chewed food to continue digestion.

How does a black rhino feed its young?

it feed it with food

What part of the food chain is the rhino beetle in?

the Central

What is the food of the rhinoceros?

Plants such as grass and Berries. Rhino's are vegetarian.