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Its a reaction force, and is equal and opposite to your force, only it is acting on different objects, so the force is still unbalanced.

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Q: What is the force exerted by the object you are trying to move?
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Why a continues unbalanced force is not required to continue the motion of an object?

because after the object is moving, and the forces are balanced, the force trying to slow it down (like friction, or air resistance) is equil to the one moving it, so it neither speeds up nor slows down. the same applies to the force trying to move the object.

Why would it be possible for an object to move if no net force is acting on it?

We've spent the last 500 years trying to get used to the idea that no force is required in order for an object to move. Force is required only to change the speed or direction of an object's motion, but the object keeps moving just fine at a constant speed and in a straight line, forever, with no forces on it.

When you blow on an object is that an example of an unbalanced force?

It depends on whether it accelerates or not. If you blow on a tissue, it will probably move in the direction that you are blowing, because the force of your breath is greater than the force of static friction. Thus, it is accelerating, and unbalanced force is being exerted on it. But if you were to blow on a car battery, it probably wouldn't move. The static friction would balance out the force of your air, so it wouldn't accelerate. In this case, the force isn't unbalanced.

What is the transfer of energy that causes an object to move in the direction of the force called?

The transfer of energy that causes an object to move in the direction of the force is called work.

What happens when an unstopabul force meat an emovebal object?

Obviously you can't have both an unstoppable force and an immovable object. If the force moves the object, then the object isn't unmovable. If the force doesn't move it, then the force isn't unstoppable.

Related questions

What is the force exerted on an object to get it to move is called what?

a push or a pull, in other words an unbalanced force that is strong enough to move your object

What happens when force exerted on an object causes the object to move?

The object is moved and energy is transferred.

When is work not done on an object?

Work = Force x Distance. so no work is done if there is no force exerted, or if the object does not move.

What are the effects of force when exerted upon an object?

It depends: if the object is free to move then it will be accelerated (moved). If the object is not free to move, then it will just sit there.

What will happen if two unbalanced forces are exerted in opposite direction?

The object move in the direction of the object having more force

What is the definition of work'?

Is done when a force exerted on an object causes that object to move some distance; equals to force times distance; measured in joules (j)

What instrument measures how much work is being done to move an object?

A spring scale and a meter stick. Spring scale may be used to find force exerted. Meter stick finds distance through which force was exerted.

In science what does work mean?

Work is the force exerted on an object that causes it to move.

If a resultant force is exerted on an object towards a stated direction for example north does the object move in the north direction does it apply Newton's second law of motion if so why?

A force applied on to an object will accelerate that object in the direction of the force as a vector. It can be seen as applying Newton's second law of motion, which states that acceleration is directly proportional to force and inversely proportional to mass, or F=ma. Depending on the mass of the object in question, and wether it is greater than the resultant, or net force, the movement in the northern direction will change. However, as an answer to the question stated: Yes, an object will move in the northern direction if a resultant force is exerted on an object the stated direction.

How do you measure the pull of gravity on a mass?

The mutual force of gravitation between the Earth and an object is what we call the "weight" of the object. Note that the force acts both ways. The same force is exerted on the Earth in the direction of the object. The smaller mass is observed to "move" in relation to the larger mass.

How do forces change a movement of an object?

inertia affects it. A force can move anything depending on its strength. Inertia states that an object at rest wants to stay at rest, and an object in motion wants to stay in motion. They alter the courses and movement of objects that have less force than the force trying to move the object

In what directions can an object move when acted on by a force?

it will move the object that the force i pushing it to Example: Force---->Object------> the object is moved in the direction it is being pushed or pulled by the force