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The thrust generated by a Pratt and Whitney PW4000 jet engine can vary depending on the specific model and configuration. However, these engines typically produce thrust in the range of 52,000 to 98,000 pounds-force (lbf) during normal operation.

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Q: What is the force of thrust generated by a Pratt and Whitney PW4000 jet engine?
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What part of a plane causes the thrust?

The engine provides the thrust for a plane by propelling it forward through the force generated by the combustion of fuel and air.

What is the relation between net thrust and gross thrust in a ramjet engine?

Net thrust in a ramjet engine is the actual useful thrust generated for propulsion, while gross thrust is the total thrust including the contributions from ram pressure. The net thrust is the difference between the gross thrust and the drag of the engine itself. The net thrust determines the actual propulsion force available for moving the aircraft forward.

What is speed created by more thrust called?

When a vehicle moves faster due to an increase in engine power or force, it is referred to as acceleration. This acceleration is a result of more thrust being generated by the engine, propelling the vehicle forward at a faster rate.

What is the difference between thrust and weight?

Thrust is the force generated by an engine to propel an object forward, like an airplane. Weight is the force of gravity acting on an object, pulling it downward towards the Earth. In order for an object to fly, the thrust generated by its engines must be greater than its weight.

How does an airplane get its thrust?

An airplane gets its thrust from its engines, which intake air, compress it, mix it with fuel, ignite the mixture, and then expel the hot exhaust gases out of the back of the engine, propelling the plane forward. This thrust generated by the engines enables the airplane to overcome drag and lift off the ground.

Related questions

What is engine thrust?

Thrust is the amount of power generated by the engine.

What part of a plane causes the thrust?

The engine provides the thrust for a plane by propelling it forward through the force generated by the combustion of fuel and air.

What is the torque of one engine on a 747?

Jet engine power ratings are generally in terms of thrust, not torque. The 747 has undergone several engine redesigns. The Pratt & Whitney JT9D engine series varies from a maximum thrust of 46,300 to 50,000 lbf.

What is the relation between net thrust and gross thrust in a ramjet engine?

Net thrust in a ramjet engine is the actual useful thrust generated for propulsion, while gross thrust is the total thrust including the contributions from ram pressure. The net thrust is the difference between the gross thrust and the drag of the engine itself. The net thrust determines the actual propulsion force available for moving the aircraft forward.

What is a thrust for the jet engines?

Thrust is the force produced by a jet engine or any propulsion system that propels an aircraft forward. It is generated by expelling high-velocity exhaust gases in the opposite direction to the desired motion, following Newton's third law of motion. The amount of thrust generated by an engine directly affects the speed and performance of the aircraft.

During a rocket launch whioch is greater thrust of the rocket engine or weight of the rocket?

During a rocket launch, the thrust of the rocket engine is greater than the weight of the rocket. This is necessary for the rocket to overcome Earth's gravitational pull and lift off into space. The thrust generated pushes the rocket upwards while gravity pulls it down.

What is speed created by more thrust called?

When a vehicle moves faster due to an increase in engine power or force, it is referred to as acceleration. This acceleration is a result of more thrust being generated by the engine, propelling the vehicle forward at a faster rate.

What is the total horse power of all 4 engines of a Boeing 747?

The capacity of jet engines is measured in thrust: B747-400 with 4 American Pratt & Whitney PW4000: 4x 441 kN = 1764 kN B747-400 with 4 BritishRolls-Royce RB211 4x 272kN = 1088 kN In strictly technical terms, the engines on a Boeing 747 do not deliver any actual horsepower. Horsepower is a unit of applied power and thrust is a measurement of force. The thrust numbers presented above appear correct for thrust of the engines.

What is the difference between thrust and weight?

Thrust is the force generated by an engine to propel an object forward, like an airplane. Weight is the force of gravity acting on an object, pulling it downward towards the Earth. In order for an object to fly, the thrust generated by its engines must be greater than its weight.

How does an airplane get its thrust?

An airplane gets its thrust from its engines, which intake air, compress it, mix it with fuel, ignite the mixture, and then expel the hot exhaust gases out of the back of the engine, propelling the plane forward. This thrust generated by the engines enables the airplane to overcome drag and lift off the ground.

What if the rocket is going up what is the force?

The force pushing the rocket upward is the thrust generated by the rocket engine. This thrust overcomes the force of gravity pulling the rocket down, allowing it to ascend. The magnitude of the force depends on the design and power of the rocket engine.

How are lifts and thrusts used on an airplane?

Lift and thrust is what enables an airplane to maintain flight. Lift is generated by the wings, and thrust is generated by the engine or propeller. Combined they enable the aircraft to fly. Air currents and up-drafts, on an aircraft that does not have an engine (like a glider), also help generate lift and thrust to keep such an aircraft in the air. However, gliders get into the air by being towed by an airplane, or by a sort of sling-shot.