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Generally materials that fly apart are being pushed rather than pulled. We could devise a mechanism that pulls materials apart - for example, if we attach two hooks and pull them on winches in opposite directions. In that case we would describe the force as mechanical in nature. But it is more likely that things get pushed apart by their own internal pressure.

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Q: What is the force that stretches or pulls apart the earths crust?
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What is the force that stretches or pulls apart the crust of the earth?

Tension stretches or pulls apart the crust.

What is a force that stretches materials apart?


What is the force that stretches or pull apart the crust called?

When there is a divergent boundary, regardless if the plates are ocean-ocean or continental-continental, tensional stress pulls on the crust. Rocks have weaker tensional strength than compressive strength, so they are easier to pull apart.

Which stress force pulls on the crust and stretches rock?


Compression is a force that changes earths crust by?

Compression is a force that changes Earth's crust by causing rocks to squeeze together. This can result in the bending, folding, or faulting of the crust as the rocks are pushed and deformed. Over time, compression can lead to the formation of mountain ranges.

What is the procedure to make a fault block mountain?

What is needed to make a real life Fault Block Mountain is cracks in the earth and other things. 1. Cracks in the earths crust force some materials of rocks up and others down. 2. The earths crust fractures ( pulls apart) 3. You have you a wonderful Fault Block Mountain

Why do isostasy occurs?

Isostasy occurs because the Earth's crust is able to float and maintain balance on the semi-fluid asthenosphere below. This balance is a result of the buoyant force exerted on the crust by the denser material beneath it, causing the crust to adjust its elevation to achieve equilibrium.

What causes the pressure to increase as you go deeper below the earths crust?

Because the density of the force increases.

The stress force that pulls on the crust where two plates are moving apart is called .?


What is the stress force that pulls on the crust where two plates are moving apart?

it may be gravity

How do earthquakes cause changes in the earths crust?

It breaks through the crust, and sometimes goes in the core, simply because all of the force and pressure from the plates rubbing together.

What is the force strong enough to break the earths crust?

The force strong enough to break the Earth's crust is usually associated with tectonic plate movements. These movements occur due to the movement of molten rock in the Earth's mantle, which exerts pressure on the crust. Subduction zones, where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another, and divergent boundaries, where tectonic plates move apart, are common areas where the Earth's crust can break and create earthquakes and volcanic activity.