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Q: What is the form of electromagnetic energy made up of streams photons?
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What is a form of electromagnetic energy is made up of streams of photons?

An electromagnetic wave, or electromagnetic radiation.

What is a form of electromagnetic energy made up of streams of photons?

Light is a form of electromagnetic energy composed of streams of photons. Photons are the basic unit of light, carrying energy and momentum as they travel.

What does light contain?

Light contains energy in the form of the photons of electromagnetic radiation

Why is light considered a form of energy?

Light is considered a form of energy because it carries energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. These waves consist of photons, which are particles of energy that carry electromagnetic radiation. When light interacts with matter, it can transfer its energy to the material it encounters, causing various effects such as heating, chemical reactions, or the generation of electricity.

When electrons lose energy and return to their initial state what is given off?

When electrons lose energy and return to their initial state, they give off light in the form of photons. The energy of the emitted light corresponds to the energy difference between the initial and final states of the electron.

What form of energy emission accompanies the return of an excited electron to its ground state?

What form of energy emission accompanies the return of excited electrons to the ground state?

Who suggested that light and other form of electromagnetic radiation travels as tiny bundles of energy called light quanta or photons?

max plank

What is a form of electromagnetic energy?

Light is a form of electromagnetic energy.

Is a infrared wave a form of an electromagnetic radiation?

Yes, infrared waves are a form of electromagnetic radiation. They have longer wavelengths and lower frequencies than visible light, and are often used in technologies such as remote controls and thermal imaging.

Which form of energy are optical telescopes used to study?

Electromagnetic waves (or particles, if you wish). These can be photons (light), x-rays and other similar waves.

How does the energy of the sun's solar core eventually reach earth?

The energy travels through space in the form of electromagnetic radiation, which can be described as a plane wave motion or alternatively as a stream of photons.

What are particles that move quickly away from the sun's surface called?

Photons. (In the form of electromagnetic radiation)