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The Cumulus/Developing stage

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Q: What is the formation stages of a thunderstorm?
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What are the stages for thunderstorm formation?

1. Cumulus Stage 2. Mature Stage 3. Dissipating Stage

What stages form a thunderstorm?

The cumulus stage, in which the thunderstorm develops, the mature stage, in which the thunderstorm is most intense, and the dissipating stage, in which the thunderstorm declines and ends.

What are the life stages of a thunderstorm?

moisture , lifting , stability <3

Wind shear can cause a formation of what?

wind shear causes the formation of a tornado if you have a strong thunderstorm.

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There are four stages in the repair of a broken bone: 1) the formation of hematoma at the break, 2) the formation of a fibrocartilaginous callus, 3) the formation of a bony callus, and 4) remodeling and addition of compact bone.

What the stages of a thunderstorm?

The Cumulus stage, in which air ascends due to convection and clouds form.

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Why is a sea breeze thunderstorm considered a type of air mass thunderstorm?

A sea breeze may lead to a thunderstorm if the cool sea breeze forces warm air to rise which creates a convection cell that creates strong updrafts that lead to a thunderstorm. This is how a sea breeze may lead to the formation of a thunderstorm.

What happens in each of the three stages that a thunderstorm might have?

During the thrid and final stage of a thunderstorm, all the currents move down. The clouds get smaller as the rain falls from them.(:

How many stages are in The condensation theory?

There are six different stages in the condensation theory. These include the formation of a nebula cloud, the formation of a sun, the formation of planetesimals, the expulsion of gases from the forming sun, the growth of the planetesimals, and the formation of larger planets from planetesimals.

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