

What is the formula for water (electricity)?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is the formula for water (electricity)?
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What is the chemical formula and structural formula of electricity?

Electricity is not a substance with a specific chemical formula or structural formula. It is the flow of electrons through a conductor like a wire. The behavior of electricity is governed by the movement of electric charge.

Is a water a conductor or an insulator of electricity?

Pure water, that is to say without any other substances, actually does not conduct electricity. Water with impurities, on the other hand, does conduct electricity. Since water is usually impure, common water conducts electricity.

Why is impure water a good conductor?

Impure water contains dissolved ions and minerals, such as sodium and calcium, which can conduct electricity. These ions can carry electric current by facilitating the movement of electrons within the water. The presence of impurities allows for the flow of electric charges, making impure water a good conductor of electricity.

How do water conduct electricity?

Water can conduct electricity because it contains dissolved ions, such as sodium and chloride. These ions allow for the flow of electric current through the water. Pure water, with no ions present, is a poor conductor of electricity.

Does electricity work in the water?

Yes electricity works under water

Why is electricity allergic to water?

Electricity is not allergic to water, but rather water is a good conductor of electricity. When water molecules are present, they can provide a path for electricity to flow, which can be dangerous if not managed properly. This is why electronics and appliances should be kept away from water to prevent the risk of electrical shock.

Can electricity pollute water?

No not really. Electricity can be conducted by water but not polluted.

How is elctricity produced from water?

Electricity produced from water is also known as Hydro electricity. In this form of electricity production large turbines are run with the force of water to produce electricity.

Why is it dangerous to be wet or in water if you are handling electrical devices?

Water, when in contact with electricity, conducts the electricity to spread throughout the water instantly cause major electricity flow throughout the water. Water conducts electricity making it dangerous.

Does water conduct battery electricity?

It doesn't conduct electricity if it is pure water as there are no flowing ions. But in un-pure water electricity can be conducted.

Does cold water conduct electricity?

Pure water no. Water conducts electricity because of the impurities in it.

If lightning strikes a lake can you be struck anywhere in the water?

Yes. Water is a conductor of electricity, thus when electricity strike water, electricity flow through the water, endangering people in the water.