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Earth bulge describes the effect of physical earth curvature along a direct path between two points on the earth's surface. The earth surface appears to "bulge upwards" in the path, with the peak of the bulge occurring at mid-path. This assumes that the earth's surface is flat, with no topological variation along the path between the two points. In radio path profiling, the effects of physical "earth bulge" must be added to the terrain topology (earth surface variation) profile. The amount of physical "earth bulge" along a path can be calculated from the following formula: h= 1.5 d1• d2 Where: h = Vertical distance from a horizontal reference line in feet d1 = Distance from the data point to point A in miles d2 = Distance from the data point to point B in miles

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Q: What is the formula to calculate earth bulge?
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Is the earth 13000 kilometers in diameter?

The diameter of the earth at the equator is 12,756.32 kilometers or 7,926.41 miles. The diameter of the earth through the poles is 12,715.43 kilometers or 7,901.00 miles. Thus the earth is 41 km or 25 miles wider than it is tall, giving it a slight bulge at the equator. This shape is known as an ellipsoid or more properly, geoid (earth-like).

What is a bulge in a paper or report?

A bulge is a chunk of information that has little relationship to the writer's topic

What is the formula to calculate effort?

no, you cannot calculate effort for effort is not an equation its is just how much force you apply on an object their is no way to show the formula for effort their is no formula for effort no you're wrong you don't even know which there you are suppose to use so how do you know the answer you probally guest.

What measures do you use to calculate density and what is the formula?

well density measures how much an object is by its size and you calculate it by finding the mass then volume.Then you divide the two answers then whatever answer you get,you round it to the nearest tenths

Could everyone facing one direction stop the earth?

No. Even if everybody were to run in the same direction around the earth they would effect the rate of rotation only very very slightly. You have to calculate the total angular momentum produced by the running population and subtract (or add depending on the direction that they run) the total angular momentum on the earth, (first calculate the moment of inertia of a solid iron sphere the size of the earth then multiply by the angular velocity (circumference of the earth over a 24 hour period)). I'm sure you will find that the value for the earth wins out by a considerable margin. It would be an interesting calculation to make however. Population of the earth times the average mass of a person, times the medial running speed times the radius of the earth. I'll let someone else do that.

Related questions

Earth's equatorial bulge is caused by?

The Equatorial bulge is caused by movements in the core and mantle. The Earth, much like the sun, heaves (or "breathes") and causes the Equatorial bulge.

What is the effect of the moon's revolution?

A major effect of the Moon's revolution around the Earth is the tides. The gravity of the Moon (and of the Sun, too) pull on the Earth's oceans.The oceans bulge outward on the side facing the Moon and the opposite side of the Earth - shorelines underneath the bulge experience high tide. This bulge is called the tidal bulge. The Earth rotates underneath the bulge, pushing the bulge ahead of the Moon -- the tidal bulge then has a gravitational pull of its own on the Moon. This effect boosts the Moon in orbit. Meanwhile, the friction of the tidal bulge on the Earth's rotation causes the Earth to very slightly slow down.Therefore, because of the effects of the Moon's revolution around the Earth, the Earth's day is getting slightly longer, and the Moon is getting slightly farther away from Earth.

What is area of earth and what is formula to calculate the area of earth?

Answer,The surface area of earth is 510072000 the formula of earth is,the earth is sphere.: The area of earth = Area of sphere" " = 4*pi*r2= 4*22/7*4057390.9= 510072000

Where does the bulge of earth occur?

The Earth is not a perfect sphere. The rotation of the planet has caused the Earth to 'bulge' to a certain extent. The distance around the Equator is further than any other measurement of the circumference.

Where does the earth bulge out the farthest?

At the equator. The spin of the earth is fastest there.

Can you calculate the volumes of the Earth and the Moon?

Based on what? If you know the radius, you can use the formula for a sphere - which is a good approximation in the case of Earth and Moon.

Which planet has large equatorial bulge?


Gravity moons surface is weaker than the earth surface fact or opainion?

Gravity behaves exactly the same on the moon as it does on earth. The formula that's used to calculate the gravitational force between two masses is the same formula everywhere. Using that formula, it's easy to calculate that any object weighs about 1/6th as much on the moon as it weighs on the earth.

What is the formula for calculating the mass of the Earth?

if g=9.8m/s, G=6.7*10-11Nm2kg-2,calculate the mass of earth, if the radius of the earth is approximately 64m

What is a aqueous bulge?

An aqueous bulge is a bulge that occurs in water. There is one on each side of the earth, one facing the moon and the other facing away from the moon, causing tides to occur.

How does the moon create a buldge?

The moon creates a bulge by exerting graviatational forces on the Earth, the same as the Earth exerts upon the moon. This generally affects the oceans and can cause a "bulge."

What is the formula to calculate the period of a wave?

you find the formula... then you calculate it. Its that simple.