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It is usually called freedom of assembly.

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Q: What does the freedom to gather in public places mean?
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What are the right of assimbly and right of petition?

The right of assembly is the freedom to gather peacefully with others for expressive purposes, such as protests or meetings. The right of petition is the freedom to address the government with requests for action or redress of grievances, typically through written documents. Both rights are protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

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To gather information about something is to learn facts about it. The word "gather" suggests finding things in a number of different places from its more literal sense of collecting and bringing together things which are scattered about.

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Right to vote, right to own property, right to freedom of speech? More than three. Do you mean life, liberty, and the pursuit if happiness? Or the rights in the bill of rights? Freedom of speech, own a gun, lawyer, trial by jury, public trial, etc?

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a place to gather to gather

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A place of worship means a special building where people gather to pray. A church or synagogue is a place of worship.

What does it mean to have the freedom to assemble and protest?

As an American Citizen you have the right to gather with friends and express that you disagree with the government. To protest what government officials are doing without prosecution.

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'Gather' in French is 'rassembler'

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To gather. So, to 'accumulate' money would mean: to gather money.

What does the term gather up cubs mean?

Gather cubs?

What does agoragphobia mean?

There is no such thing as agoragphobia. If you meant agoraphobia, it's the fear of public places and open spaces.

What does segrgation mean?

Segregation is the enforced separation of groups of people, usually based on race, ethnicity, or religion. This can involve physical separation in public places, denial of equal opportunities, or discrimination in housing, employment, and education.

What do stars represent in art?

They could mean any number of things such as freedom, liberty, places. It could be tons of things but it usually has to do with the countries background.