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"Un tamia."

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Q: What is the french word for chipmunk?
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Is the word chipmunk french?


How do you say chipmunk in French?

To say chipmunk in French is "suisse"

How do you say chipmonk in french?

a chipmunk is called 'un tamia' or 'un suisse' in French. 'Chipmunk' will be understood as well, as long as you explain what the animal is.

How do you say chipmunk in Spanish or french?

in French it's 'un tamia'

How do you spell chipmunk in french?

in French the chipmunk is called : tamia, écureuil de Corée, Suisse, écureuil tigré.

Is chipmunk a European word?

No. "Chipmunk" is probably an Algonquian. Means "red squirrel" or headfirst; which refers to the way a chipmunk runs down a tree.

Is chipmunk European word?

No. It is Native American

What is the meaning of 'gilhari' the Hindi word?

Gilhari is the Hindi word for chipmunk.

What is a chinchilla called in french?

the name of the chipmunk in French is 'un tamia / un tamia rayé / un tamia striatus'. Now I would be surprised if anybody I know, actually knows that name. (the name chipmunk will be more quickly understood, thanks to the movies)

What is the word 'chipmunk' when translated from English to Japanese?

ANSWERchousenshimarisu (挑戦シマリス): Korean chipmunk (Tamias sibiricus barberi)ezoshimarisu (蝦夷シマリス): Tamias sibiricus lineatus (subspecies of Siberian chipmunk native to Hokkaido)shiberiashimarisu (シベリアシマリス): Siberian chipmunk (Tamias sibiricus)shimarisu (シマリス): chipmunktoubushimarisu (東部シマリス): eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus)ANSWERSince the chipmunk wasn't all too well-known in Asia, they use the Katakana script to write chipmunk just like they would write any other Roman word that they themselves have no word for.Answer: In some parts of Japan, the word "Chipmunk" is spoken as "Chi - pu - mun - ku" - CHIPUMUNKU. e.g Suemunku

Where is the origin of the word chipmunk?

If my memory serves me right it is a Native American word.

Use the word chipmunks in a sentences?

The chipmunk is eating a leave .