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vin rouge

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Q: What is the french word of red wine?
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Related questions

What does the french word vin mean?

The French word "vin" translates to "wine" in English.

What word is used in spanish to define red wine?

The word used in Spanish to define red wine is "vino tinto."

What word is french for red?

Rouge is the word in french for red.

Is the French word 'vin' for 'wine' feminine or masculine?

Vin is a masculine noun in French: le vin.

What word is used in Spanish red wine?

Vino tinto = coloured wine (ie red wine)

What is the french word for sour wine?

sour wine, or vinegar, is called 'du vinaigre' in French.

What word in used in spanish to define red wine?

The word for red wine from english to spanish is vino tinto.

What is the french word for wine cellar?

The French word for cellar is cave (pronounced kah'v), and wine cellar is cave à vin.

What is the french word for the English word wine?


What is the word cruse on a french wine bottle?

"cru" on French red wines is coming from an old grading system (still in use for red Bordeaux)- it meant something along the lines of 'vintage that you can trust'

French word for wine?

le vin

The french word for wine?

vin (pronounced as van) - wine de vin - of wine Le vin - the wine