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Q: What is the frequency of a note a minor third above A5 880 hz?
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What is the difference between a low note and a high note?

high note has high frequency (cycles per second) . Low note has low frequency. The sound originated by a high frequency note oscillates more times per second, while a low frequency note oscillates less times per second.

What dose the frequency of a sound wave determine?

The frequency of a sound wave will determine the pitch (or note).

What does the extent to which a note can be heard determine?

frequency and pitch

What is used to indicate the frequency level of a sound?

In science, sound frequencies, like frequencies in general, are reported in hertz (Hz), kilohertz (kHz), etc. In music, these sound frequencies correspond to notes (A-G) and different octaves. From Wikipedia:The note-naming convention specifies a letter, any accidentals (sharps/flats), and an octave number. Any note is an integer of half-steps away from middle A (A4). Let this distance be denoted n. If the note is above A4, then n is positive; if it is below A4, then n is negative. The frequency of the note (f) (assuming equal temperament) is then:f = 2n/12 × 440 HzFor example, one can find the frequency of C5, the first C above A4. There are 3 half-steps between A4 and C5 (A4 → A♯4 → B4 → C5), and the note is above A4, so n = +3. The note's frequency is:f = 23/12 × 440 Hz ≈ 523.2511 Hz.To find the frequency of a note below A4, the value of nis negative. For example, the F below A4 is F4. There are 4 half-steps (A4 → A♭4 → G4 → G♭4 → F4), and the note is below A4, so n = −4. The note's frequency is:f = 2−4/12 × 440 Hz ≈ 349.2290 Hz.

The rate of vibration of sound waves is called?

The rate of vibration is called the frequency.

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What note is a minor third above F?

The note is A flat.

What is the note a minor third above A?


In western music whats the major 3RD above E?

A flat The major third is the third note in the major scale of the key in question. The minor third for instance is G which is is the third note in the minor scale. dr

What is the third note in an A minor scale?

C is the third note of an A minor scale.

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A minor chord (triad, at least) is the first, third, and fifth notes of any minor scale played at the same time.

Is a note with a frequency of 262 hz lower than a note with a frequency of 880 hz?

That is correct. 262 Hz is the frequency of the note "middle C" on a piano keyboard, while 880 Hz is the frequency of the note A one octave above the note A above middle C on a piano keyboard.

What is the third note on a musical scale?

The third note in a major or minor scale is called a mediant.

How do you create 'Major' and 'Minor' triads?

A triad consists of three notes: the tonic (or the first note of the scale), the mediant (or the third note of the scale), and the dominant (or the fifth note of the scale).For a major triad, the interval between the first and third note is a major third, and the interval between the first and fifth note is a perfect fifth.For a minor triad, the interval between the first and third note is a minor third, and the interval between the first and fifth is a perfect fifth.

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What note is a minor 3rd above f?


What is the frequency of the highest note on a pipe organ?

The lowest note is the G above middle C, and the highest is the A nine notes above that.

What frequency is a C note of the third octave?

The frequency of a C of the fourth octave is approximately 261.626 Hz.