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Q: What is the frequency of light emitted by a laser pointer whose wave is 670 nm?
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Can a laser pointer make a rainbow with a prism?

A laser beam consists of a single frequency of light, therefore it cannot form a spectrum or rainbow.

What sends a narrow intense beam of light?

a small laser, or a laser pointer

How does the frequency of re-emitted light in a transparent material compare with the frequency of the light that stimulates its re-emission?

The frequency of emitted light in a transparent object is the same as light that stimulates its re-emission.

Which is the result of visible light absorbed by a metal?

light at a frequency similar to the absorbed frequency is emitted

Do light waves travel in straight paths called rays?

google it lazy bum. No, light waves are just that-- waves. The color of the wave is determined by it's frequency- normal light is white because it is low frequency. The frequency is how fast the light "waves". But a laser pointer has red light, which has a higher frequency, and therefore is only one color. Hope this helps!

What is a laser modulator used for?

A laser modulator is used to change modulate a beam of light (or laser). The easiest way that they modulate the laser, or light beam, is by changing the rate at which the laser is emitted from the source.

What does laser beam mean?

A laser is the device itself, the beam is.. well, the beam coming out of the laser.

What does the S in LASER stand for?

Stimulated Light Emitted by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation

How do you calculate the frequency of light emitted in chemicals?

There are several ways to calculate the frequency of light emitted or absorbed by different chemicals, and they depend on what you already know. For example, if you know the energy of the particle, then you can calculate frequency from E = planck's constant x frequency and solve for frequency. If you happen to know the wavelength, then you can use C = wavelength x frequency and solve for frequency (where C = speed of light).

Does any radio frequency used for laser communication?

no. LASER uses light frequencies.

A helium neon laser emits light of wavelength 633 nm Light from an argon laser has a wavelength of 515 nm Which laser emits the higher frequency light?

according to the wave theory of light,we have the relation that wavelength is inversely proportional to the frequency,therefore the electromagnetic wave with the lower wavelength will have higher frequency..

What is the difference between a laser pointer and an infrared laser pointer?

An infrared pointer uses light that is mainly in the infrared spectrum, and so is mostly invisible to humans. A laser pointer in general refers to any device using a beam of light to mark an object. Both use the same basic technology. The only difference is the wave length. IR lasers are outside of the visual spectrum where as standard laser pointers are within the visual spectrum.