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Q: What is the frequency range of UV of infrared light?
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Why can UV light cause cancer and not infrared light?

UV light can be turned into infrared light u dofus. DANJUIN

Does UV have a longer wavelength or visible light?

Infrared has a smaller wavelength than microwaves.

Are uv and infra red light visible?

"UV" (ultra-violet) is radiation with shorter wavelength/higher frequency than visible. Infrared is radiation with longer wavelength/lower frequency than visible.

What is the difference between UV lamps and IR lamps?

One emits light in the ultra-violet range, and the other emits light in the infrared range.

Is the frequency of infrared light higher than visible light?

No. X-Rays have a greater frequency than visible light. In order of increasing frequency(or decreasing wavelength). Radio waves, Microwaves, Infra-red radiation, Visible light, Ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, Gamma rays.

Is there a thing as nonvisible light?

Yes, UV, and Infrared.

Does infrared or ultraviolet have the shorter wavelength?

UV light has a shorter wavelength than infrared.

Does ultraviolet light carry more energy than infrared radiation?

Yes. Radiations on the "red" end of the spectrum, such as radio, microwave, and infrared, have markedly less energy than visible light. Frequencies on the "purple" end, on the other hand, such as ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma, have considerably more.

What is the frequency range of UV?

540-950 THz

If you compared the frequencies of UV light an visible light you and rsquod find that the UV light had a smaller frequency.?

UV has a HIGHER frequency than visible light. If you get such results, either you are not measuring the correct light, or something else is wrong with the measurement.

What is the frequency opf UV?

UV has a wavelenght of 400nm and less you can calculate the frequency with this formula V (frequency) = c (speed of light) / λ (wavelenght)

Is infrared radiation more energetic than visible radiation?

No. Infrared (IR) light is longer wavelength (lower frequency) light and is of lower electromagnetic energy than shorter wavelength (higher frequency) ultraviolet (UV) light. Note that our skin "senses" infrared light (which we normally think of as heat) in a different way than it does ultraviolet light. This may account for the difference in the way it "feels" when we're exposed to light of the two energies. To be clear, ultraviolet light has higher energy photon for photon than infrared light. If both are absorbed by the skin, the reaction of the skin will be slightly different, but the energy imparted to the skin will be greater with the UV light that the IR light.