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Q: What is the frequency range of seismic waves?
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Which forms of matter can primary and secondary seismic waves travel through?

Primary seismic waves (P-waves) can travel through solids, liquids, and gases. Secondary seismic waves (S-waves) can only travel through solids. This is because S-waves require a medium with shear strength, which is lacking in liquids and gases.

What is the frequency range of radio waves that can penetrate human body?

The frequency range that the radio waves can penetrate the human body is between 1Hz and 10 KHz. This frequency of the radio waves is however not dangerous.

What is a range of wave lengths called?

A range of wavelengths is called a spectrum. This can refer to electromagnetic waves like light, or other waves such as sound or seismic waves.

What is the range of frequencies of radio waves?

the frequency range of radio waves is ranging from 3kHz-300GHz

Do seismographs record the air movements caused by seismic waves?

it records the frequency of the earthquake !

What is an audio frequency?

An audio frequency is a frequency, or range of frequencies, of audible sound waves.

What is the average resonant frequency of an earthquake?

All earthquakes have a different resonant frequency that can range from 10-50Hz. The average frequency would be around 31Hz or equivalent to the low B string on a 5 string bass guitar.

Instrument to study earthquakes?

A seismometer or seismograph will measure the amplitude and frequency of seismic waves which are produced by earthquakes.

Is seismic waves and earthquake waves the same?

Seismic waves are any waves that travel through the Earth. As such all earthquake waves are seismic waves, however not all seismic waves are caused by earthquakes.

How is the transfer of energy as seismic waves related to the frequency and magnitude of earthquakes in an region?

Seismic waves transfer energy generated by earthquakes through the Earth's crust. The frequency of earthquakes in a region is related to the tectonic activity and fault lines present, with more active regions experiencing higher frequency of earthquakes. The magnitude of earthquakes is related to the amount of energy released during the event, with higher magnitudes indicating a greater release of energy.

What are some similarities of water waves and seismic waves?

Water waves and seismic waves are both types of wave motion that propagate through a medium. They both exhibit characteristics such as wavelength, frequency, and amplitude. Additionally, both types of waves can be described by mathematical equations derived from wave theory.

What does seismic?

(not seismic, seismic wave)Seismic waves are waves of energy that travel through the earth.