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Q: What is the full meaning of N.B abbreviation in English?
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Related questions

When did the state abbreviation for Nebraska change from nb to ne?

The abbreviation for Nebraska changed from NB to NE on November 13, 1969. (source: "Postal Bulletin" of the same date)

What is the abbreviation of note well?

NB as in Nota Bene

What is the nickname of New Brunswick?

The abbreviation for Nebraska NE.Nebraska's abbreviation is NE.The postal abbreviation for Nebraska is NE. Another common abbreviation is Nebr..NENENENE

What is abbreviation of Nota Bene?

NB.... Note well, to take notice of. It's from Latin.

What does the a in AM mean?

If we are talking time , the initials a.m.' are from the Latin phrase 'Ante Meridian'. Translated into modern English it means 'Before Noon'. NB Note the spelling of 'Ante' , with 'e'/ NOT 'Anti' From Latin Ante means before , and Anti means against. Correspondingly 'p.m'. is from the Latin phrase 'post meridian'. Translated in to modern English it means, 'After Noon'. NB 'post' from Latin means 'After' , not 'mail/letters.

What does the abbreviation NB stand for?

New Brunswick It can also mean NOTA BENE, Latin for 'Note well'... depends in what context you found the abbreviation. The other answer could equally be correct.

What is the gender in Malayalam?

Malayalam, as a language, does not have grammatical gender like some other languages. However, there are words for male and female that can be used to specify gender when needed.

What is meant by NB?

The noun has one meaning: a Latin phrase (or its abbreviation) used to indicate that special attention should be paid to somethingSynonyms:,

What does the abbrviation N B stand for in a business letter?

The abbreviation "N B" in a business letter stands for "Nota Bene," which is a Latin term meaning "note well" or "take note." It is used to draw attention to important information or instructions within the letter.

What does MM SF mean?

I think MM is an abbreviation for milometer and SF is an abbreviation for square foot. This is usually applied when looking for places to rent according to what I read.+++NB: Those examples are in Upper-case, and as such, with the meanings given, might apply in the USA.'Otherwise, mm in lower-case has only one meaning, as the standard, international abbreviation for the length unit, millimetre. (Not '~meter' as it is a French word!)'The UK abbreviation for 'square foot' is 'sq. ft.', in lower-case.

How do you spell relatives in spanish?

parientes = relatives NB this is not English 'parents', which is 'padres'.

Kj nb nb?

nb nb kj:)