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They allow rabbits to walk. Also, some people eat them.

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Q: What is the function of Rabbit's legs and feet?
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What is the function of legs and feet?

To walk of course.

How many feet does rabbits have?

a rabbit has 4 legs 2 at the front 2 at the back love from humaira the bestest in the world

How long are a rabbits legs?

how long is a rabbits leg

At the fair the chickens and the rabbits were placed under the same tent. The chickens and the rabbits have a total of 360 legs. If there were 105 animals how many were rabbits?

I believe it's 75 rabbits. There are 105 animals. There are 75 x 4(rabbit legs) = 300 legs and 30 x 2(chicken legs) = 60 legs, which totals 360 legs. The 75 rabbits plus 30 chickens equals 105 animals.

Are pet rabbits feet black from below?

is it that pet rabbits feet are black from below i have white rabbits and there feet are yellow :P

Can rabbits have 5 legs?

Yes of course a rabbits dick counts as a leg

What are rabbits' defenses between hares?

A rabbit's defense against another hare is its feet. Especially the hind feet. An angry rabbit will lash out at another rabbit or predator by kicking with the hind legs.

Do rabbits have powerful legs?

Rabbits can sometimes kick depends how you hold them and if the in a confined space otherwise no

If you had 3 rabbits 2 snakes and 5 birds how many legs are there?

rabbits = 12 legs Snakes don't even have legs. Birds = 10 legs Total= 22 ---- Oops I wasn't thinking about there front paws!

Animal that thumps feet to warn others?

Rabbits thump their feet to warn other rabbits of danger. Rabbits also sometimes thump their feet in anger or frustration.

How long are a rabbits back legs?

A foot

Why do rabbits have strong back legs?

They have strong legs so they can quickly get away from predators.