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Q: What is the function of axial filaments?
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What is the difference between flagella and axial filaments?

* the flagella is a project as strand while the axial filaments are spirochetes. * flagella : move cell by propeller like action , axial filaments : snake-like movement. flagella : present in gram (+)and gram (-) , while the filaments only in gram (-) . both of them have the same function

How does spirochetes move?

A spirochete can move by rotating its axial filaments.

What is endoflagella?

Axial filaments in spirochetes bacteria that are anchored at the end of a cell causing rotation and movement of the cell.

What is the major function of the axial skeleton?

The major function of the Axial Skeleton is to provide central support for the body and protect the internal organs

What is a Blepharoplast?

A cylindrical basal body of flagellates that is composed of parallel peripheral rods connected to the axial filaments of flagella or cilia.

What is blepharoplast?

A cylindrical basal body of flagellates that is composed of parallel peripheral rods connected to the axial filaments of flagella or cilia.

What is the general function of the axial skeleton?

It houses the organs.

What are the functions of anchoring filaments that surround lymphatic capillaries?

function of anchoring filaments are to held open the lymphatic capillaries. Datuna

What do intermediate filaments do?

Intermediate filaments support the cells shape, so it can perform special functions. Various types of intermediate filaments can function together as the permanent framework of the cell.

What is the function of stolon?

It asexually reproduces to make more filaments.

What is the function of the axial filament in the sperm cell?

The axial filament (or 'tail') helps propel the sperm through the seminal fluid.

Does spirillum move?

The organism spirogyra longata moves toward light by repeated rolling and stretching of filaments.