

What is the function of cytoskelton?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is the function of cytoskelton?
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Where is the cytoskelton located?

near the Golgi apparatus, (green, folded like Golgi apparatus):)

Is cytoskelton a plant cell or animal cell?

Cytoskeleton is in both plant and animal cells.

What is a part of cytoskelton?

cytoskeleten provide the skeletol function in the cell, and it composes from intermediat filament, actin filament and microtubule. It provides the structural backbone and movement of the cell

What is cytoskelton?

A cytoskeleton is the structure or skeleton of a cell. A cytoskeleton is found within a cell's cytoplasm, and is present in all cells, prokaryotic and eukaryotic.

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plant cell have cell divison by phragmoplast microtubules they composed of complex microtubules .microtubules are part of cytoskelton

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