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Q: What is the function of ovaries in a grasshopper?
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What is the function of grasshopper ovaries?

The function of ovaries in a grasshopper is for reproduction. Eggs are produced in the grasshopper's ovaries. Their eggs look like brown rice.

What does the ovaries of a grasshopper do?

The ovaries in a grasshopper are a female reproductive organ. They house the fertilized eggs gained from sexual reproduction with another grasshopper.

Which function is performed by the ovaries but not by the testes?

The function that is performed by the ovaries and not the testes is the ovaries produce eggs. Both testes and ovaries produce hormones.

What is the function of the mouth in a grasshopper?

the function of an mouth in an grasshopper is to suck up the food. hhahahaha

What is the hypopharynx of a grasshopper?

It serves as the salivtory function in the grasshopper.

What is the function of human ovaries?

Answer Ovaries produce eggs for reproduction.

What is the function of the ovaries in a frog?

The function of the ovaries in a frog is to produce eggs. They have the same role as the ovaries in other animals.The function of a frog's ovaries are the same as any other animal. The frogs ovaries produce eggs which if fertilized will turn into babies.The ovaries in a frog are used to reproduce

The function of ovaries in a earthworm?

What is the function of the ovaries in an earthworm? to release eggsfemale gonad in which eggs are produced. What is the function of the ovaries in earthworms ...

What is the function of the rectum of a grasshopper?

The function of the rectum of a grasshopper is to take the waste products out of the digestive system.

What is the function of the testes and the ovaries?

Testes makes sperm, ovaries make the egg

What is the function of a grasshopper's maxilla?

The maxilla is used to taste and manipulate a grasshopper's food

What is the function of the brain in a grasshopper?

to get dumber