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Darn near everything, it controls salivation, breathing, sexual arousal, pupil dialation, really, anything that's automatic, it's a major part of the CNS.

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Q: What is the function of the autonomic motor?
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Homeostasis is the main autonomic function of the hypothalamus.What this means is maintaining the body's main system function as is. Happy Holidays, cmf3225

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What describes the autonomic nervous system?

The nervous system (NS) can be divided into the central nervous system (CNS) which is the brain and spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) which is the rest of the body. One of the general functions of the NS is Motor function. Motor function uses peripheral neurons so this particular function belongs to the PNS. Motor functions can be divided into two categories: (1) As motor functions of the Somatic Nervous System and (2) as motor functions of the Autonomic Nervous System. The Somatic nervous system is voluntary and controls skeletal muscle. The autonomic nervous system, or ANS, is that part of the peripheral nervous system that is involuntary. The ANS controls and regulates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands. Most neuron axons in the ANS are unmyelinated and myelinated axons are rare. It's not possible to describe the ANS without also describing the SNS and mentioning at least one of the functions (Motor function)of the nervous system. You need to see how they all fit together.

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An autonomic motor neuron whose cell body lies in the CNS is called a?

This type of nerve is called an efferent autonomic neuron.

What is a autonomic body function?

"Autonomic" functions are the functions of the body that occur involuntarily, that is, they happen and you have no control over them. Example of autonomic functions in human are the regulation of the heartbeat and the secretion of the hormones.