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Q: What is the function of the cheliped in arthropods?
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What is the function of a cheliped?

grabbing food or snapping at things

What is cheliped?

A cheliped is the first set of appendages (claws) used for fighting and grabbing

What is one common function of an arthropods's antennae?

To smell

What is one common function of the arthropods?

Arthropods are a fairly wide-ranging classification of animals, covering everything from grub beetles to mosquitoes. One fairly common (though not universal) function of arthropods is to break down organic material into smaller molecules.

What is the function of mandibles in arthropods?

Mandibles are jaws and are used for eating.

What is the difference between cirrus and cheliped?

Cirrus aslender usually flexible animal appendage: as Cheliped ^ either of the pair of appendages bearing a chela.

What is the process of growing a new cheliped called?


What do you call a pincer of a crab?

Pincer, to technically, Cheliped.

What is the major function of a crayfish exoskeleton?

The major function of the exoskeleton, like for all arthropods, is arguably to protect the soft body inside.

What is the major function of the exoskeleton of crayfish?

The major function of the exoskeleton, like for all arthropods, is arguably to protect the soft body inside.

What is a crayfish cheliped?

The chitinous covered "claw" on a decapod (lobsters and crayfish)

How strong is a crayfish's cheliped?

2.481 N according to my force transducer.