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Q: What is the future for platypus?
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What is the future of the platypus?

The platypus has quite a secure future. Although vulnerable to habitat loss and changes brought about by human interference, the platypus has enjoyed a resurgence in its population since becoming a protected animal. There are estimated to be as many platypuses now as there were when European settlement started.

Will the platypus be extinct or endangered in the future?

It is possible that, sometime in the future, platypuses may be endangered. However, it is most unlikely to happen anytime soon. The platypus has quite a secure future. Although vulnerable to habitat loss and changes brought about by human interference, the platypus has enjoyed a resurgence in its population since becoming a protected animal. There are estimated to be as many platypuses now as there were when European settlement started.

What will happen to platypus in the future?

their venom, or poison will be helpful for scientists in the future. it will help scientists to design new pain killers for humans

What is Platypus bill?

a platypus's bill is a bill that is on a platypus

What is a platypus's bill?

a platypus's bill is a bill that is on a platypus

What is the binomial name for the platypus?

Ornithorhynchus anatinusThe original name was Platypus anatinus, from Greek and Latin words meaning "flat-footed, duck-like". After realising that the name "platypus" had already be given to a group of beetles, the scientist involved assigned the platypus the scientific name of Ornithorhynchus anatinus, the first word of which means "bird-like snout".

Is a platypus a hoarder?

No. The platypus is not a hoarder.

Is a platypus a primate?

A Platypus is not a primate.

What else can a platypus be called?

The platypus should not be called anything else. It is just a platypus. It is not a duckbilled platypus, or any other such misnomer.

Local name of platypus?

The platypus is called the platypus wherever one happens to be in Australia.

What is the wait of a platypus?

Waiting for a platypus? haha

What is the locomotion platypus?

There is no such thing as a locomotion platypus.