

What is the game sharing icon on a PSP do?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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if some one with a PSP has a game that can game share and they go no game share in the game you need to click on the game share icon in order for the game to be sent to u.

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Q: What is the game sharing icon on a PSP do?
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How do you use game sharing on psps?

START YOUR PSP......GO TO THE "GAME" ICON...WAIT FOR YOUR GAME TO LOAD ( YOU HAVE TO HAVE A PSP GAME INSERTED) (for example:naruto ultimate ninja heroes)TAP "X" ON THE "GAME SHARING" ICON.........(the other person has to do the same thing) FOR SOME GAMES BOTH OF YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE SAME GAME(but for others like naruto ultimate ninja heroes u dont)

How do you play a game with someone else if they don't have the game?

turn on psp and go on game icon use direction buttons to scroll onto game sharing

How do you share games on psp?

In order to game share between two PSP's you need to obtain a game displaying the game sharing icon. To share a game, first enable the Wi-Fi switch on the PSP you want to share the game from and on any PSP you want to share the game with. Next, Browse to the game sharing option in the game you want to share and access the Game Sharing Icon on the other PSP(s) to search for the game. When prompted, select the game available to share. Finally, On the PSP that is sharing the game, accept the transfer and wait until the transfer is complete. Follow the instructions in the manual of the game to begin multi-player gaming! For more answers to video game and console related questions visit my blog at []

What is game sharing for the psp?

game sharing is a new thing for the psp slim 3000 it shares your game with a friend

How you play game sharing in the psp?

You have to have at least one game that has the Game Shaing feature

How do you connect a PSP to another PSP?

ad hoc function under games in xmb it says game sharing

How do you play 2 players on psp?

first you go to multiplayer then on the other psp you put game sharing then it works happy

Is tekken 6 psp game sharing?

Tekken 6, HAS NO GAME SHARING FEATURE, unlike T5 Dark Resurrection.

Can you game share on the psp with Socom us navy seals fire team bravo 2?

You are probably misleaded by the Socom 2 'game sharing' idea. Sony cheaped us out by only sending a demo when you game share Socom 2. So that means you can't play your friend one on one unless he gets a copy as well.If your still interest in giving your friend the 'demo'. You need to run the game and go to options and find the game sharing icon. Click on it while your friend is in XMB mode on his psp, where he can still move around selecting icons. He needs to select the game sharing icon in the XMB and accept your request to send the demo. After that it should send and save to his memory stick.I hope that clarified your question.

Can you do Mutiplayer on a PSP?

it's depend on the game.....can it play for two player if yes u can by go to sharing game

How do you Game Share on a Sony PSP go?

That's not that hard. If your giving the game to someone elts then go to the game sharing thingy and select that. If your getting a game, go to the game bar, go to game sharing and select it.

How do you connect a PSP to a PSP?

only two player games can connect with the wlan switch on the side of the psp 1000 and on the top of the psp 2000 and psp 3000 also you can use game sharing to connect to each other.