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Q: What is the gas law about sealed bag of chips expand when in higher altitude?
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Why does a sealed bag of chips expand when you take it to a higher altitude?

the higher the altitude, the less pressure there is inside the bag. Check out Bole's law

What would happen to sealed bag of chips left in the sun?

the bag inside the bag would expand D:

What would happen to a sealed bag of chips left in the sun?

the bag inside the bag would expand D:

Will the center of a tornado expand or contract a bag of potato chips?

Since tornadoes generate low pressure a sealed bag would expand inside of one.

Why at high altitude packets of chips are tight?

because of high altitude. The pressure is less at higher altitudes so the air trapped in the bag expands making the bag feel tight.

Why was the chip clip invented?

If air gets into a bag of chips, the chips will become stale. The chip clip was invented to keep bags of chips sealed.

Why do potato chips get spoiled once the sealed packet is opened?

Potato chips absorb moisture from the air and get spoiled as these are no more crunchy.

The sealed packets in which food items such as chips are filled with nitrogen How it helps?

to avoid bacteria

Why does a bag of chips puff up when you take them to mammoth?

A bag of chips will puff up when it is taken to mammoth because the bag has a pressure of 1 ATM usually when packaged, but when it gets to a higher altitude, the pressure of the air around it is less than inside the bag thus causing an increase in volume.

What would happen to a bag of chips at an altitude of 30000 ft?

Since the bag is packed and sealed in ground-level atmospheric pressure, it gets round and firm like a little foil balloon in the reduced air pressure at altitude. When it's opened, there's a little "tssss" as a bit of the air inside the bag rushes out into the lower pressure. If the bag is inside an airliner at 30,000 ft, it is immediately torn open and the chips eaten; nobody notices or pauses to reflect on the fine points of air pressure and atmospheric science.

Why do chip bags deflate?

Potato chips are purposely packaged on the puffy side so that the air can act as a cushion. If the bag is taken to higher altitudes, it will expand even more due to reduced air pressure.

What role does nitrogen plays in sealed packets in which food items such as chips are there?

cuz,it avoids the growth of microbes.