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Q: What is the gathering of knowledge by reasoning and without the use of the senses?
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What is rationalism?

In modern Western view, rationalism is 'any view appealing to reason as a source of wisdom'. It is the belief that 'the criterion of truth' is not sensory but 'logical'. In politics, 'rationalism' is a development since Enlightenment that emphasizes a 'politics of reason' (setting aside emotion), this has especially been promoted by 'liberalism'.

Information gathered with the senses?

Perception and observation refers to the process of gathering information by the use of the senses. It can also be defined as the process of integrating, interpreting, and organizing sensations.

Is knowledge acquisition the same as percieving things with your senses?

Not always. You can be told things without experiencing them.

What is the process of gathering information through the senses called?

It is called observation.

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Are inferences based on?

Inferences are based on reasoning from what you already know and your five senses.

What does a priori mean in philosophy?

Priori knowledge is "rational" knowledge as opposed to empirical knowledge which is from our "senses".A latin expression that means means formed or conceived beforehand. Made before or without examination; not supported by factual study.

Gathering information through our senses and then using this information to think and act is the process of .?


Who emphasised by Senses are the gateways of knowledge?

John Dewey

What do you mean by Nothing is in the intellect that was not first in the senses?

It means if you had no senses, could you ever acquire knowledge on your own.

What is the differnce between knowledge and intelligence?

Knowledge is a series of facts. It is gained through five senses and stored in the brain. Intelligence is the ability to think and reason. Having intelligence generally increases the ability to gain knowledge. However, they are not dependent on one another. Knowledge can exist without intelligence and intelligence without knowledge. For example knowledge can be compared to "book smarts" intelligence is compared to "street smarts".

What is the Process of gathering information by the senses?

this is for a mid term study guide i believe and the answer is b.)observation