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Q: What is the general equation for all enzymatic reactions?
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What is the generalized equation for all chemical reactions?

Y equals kx

What is the chemical equation for the reactions when copper is added to aluminum sulfate?

There is no reaction at all.

What principle can be applied to all chemical reactions?

material reacts in the presence of another material

Why do all enzymatic reactions need activation energy?

because chemical reactions cannot react spontaneously

What three enzyme catalysed chemical reactions that happen inside living organisms?

Almost all reaction in cells are enzymatic controlled, or I would rather not say controlled but 'driven' or 'made possible'. Enzymatic reaction are controled by e.g. temperature, pH, concentration, ions, activating and inactivating complexes, etc. but not by themselves as substance.

Is it possible for all reactions which have a carbocation intermediate to undergo rearrangement reaction to get a more stable cation?

No, in general

what are characteristics of chemical equation?

All chemical reactions have a common structure. It must have reactants, that are the substances that you have at the beginning, and the product that are the new substances you get at the end.

What are the Importance of stoichiometry in chemical reactions?

stoichiometry is very important in chemical equations because it tells you the relationship between substances in the same chemical equation. If you know the properties and relationship of one substance in the equation, you can calculate the relationships between all the substances in the equation.

What is the general equation for quadratics?

The general quadratic equation is ax2 + bx + c = 0 The two solutions are: x = [ (negative b) plus or minus the square root of (b2 - 4ac) ] all divided by (2a).

Are most proteins enzymes?

No, it most be carefully note that all enzymes are mostly proteins and not all proteins are enzymes. Enzymes carry out the catalysis of biochemical reactions in and out of the cells. there are different non enzymatic structural and functional proteins they do have important roles such as hormones, structural proteins such as collagen etc.

What are the benefits of enzymatic therapy?

"Enzymatic therapy can be beneficial for your health. They offer quick healing and a gentle healing process. However, that is not all. They also have other benefits with different models."

What are organic catalysts that increase the rates of chemical reactions within the cells?

Enzymes are general catalysts in the cell. They catalyse almost all reactions. They are proteins, some with other groups or ions attached.