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Tavares Cole

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Q: What is the generic name for organism?
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What is the generic name given to organisms?

Such a name is called a binomial name or a scientific name. The generic name or the initial part of the name highlights the genus to which an organism belongs. The second part, or the specific name, identifies the exact species under which the organism falls, within the genus.

How are taxonomic characters recognized?

Taxonomic characters are recognized based on specific morphological, anatomical, physiological, or genetic features that distinguish different organisms. These characters are often observable traits that are used to classify and identify species within a particular taxonomic group. By analyzing these characteristics, taxonomists can determine the evolutionary relationships and classification of organisms.

What ways are they different plants and animals?

A generic name for an animal or plant is a name it is commonly known by, which can change depending on where you live. A specific name of an organism is its scientific name, which is used for classification purposes.

What is the generic name for tagmet?

Cimetidine is the generic name.

Is there an generic for fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a generic drug.

Is the name Prednisone generic or brand name?

prediSONE is a generic name

What is another term for generic drug?

A drug can be listed by either its brand name or its generic name. The brand name is what the company that makes it has labeled it and the generic name is its chemical name. Some examples: Tylenol (brand name).....Acetaminophen (generic or chemical name) Motrin (brand name)......Ibuprofen (generic or chemical name) Prilosec (brand name)....Omeprazole (generic or chemical name) Benadryl (brand name)...Diphenhydramine (generic or chemical name)

What is the generic name for seconal?

Generic Name: secobarbital

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Tricycle, or trike, IS the generic name.

What is the generic name of carbocisteine?

It's already a generic name.

Is the name cocodamol a brand name or a generic name?

more likekly a generic name.

What is the generic name for clonidine?

The generic name is clonidine and the brand name is Catapres..