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The genetic control center of the prokaryotic cells is the nucleoid. The nucleoid contains the genetic material without a nuclear membrane.

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Q: What is the genetic control center of a prokaryotic cell?
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What is control center of a cell?

The control center of the cell is the nucleus of the cell. It is where all the genetic material is stored. The genetic material codes for all things, and thus giving the cell and its components its 'instructions'. :]

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The nucleus contains the genetic information of the cell and functions as the control center of the cell.

Where is the genetic material in prokaryotic cell?

The nucleus

What is the function of the cell nucleus?

The cell nucleus is the "control center" of the cell and controls the metabolic and reproductive functions of the cellContains the genetic information needed for protein synthesis and regular cell function.Contains the genetic information needed for reproduction.ur mamait is the cell's control center

What is the job of the nucleolus in plant cell?

it is the control center of the cell and contains most of its genetic material.

Which is known as the control room of the cell?

The control center of the cell is the nucleus because it contains the genetic information (DNA).

What is the job of the nucleolus in a plant cell?

it is the control center of the cell and contains most of its genetic material.

What is the control center of a cell not found in bacteria?

The control center of a cell not found in bacteria is the nucleus. The nucleus contains the cell's genetic material, including DNA, and is responsible for regulating the cell's activities. Bacteria, on the other hand, do not have a nucleus; their genetic material is located in the cytoplasm.

What is known as the brain control center of the cell and has genes?

The nucleus can be called the "brain" or control centre of the cell. It contains most of the genetic material (genes) of the cell.

What are similiarities between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells?

not much, a cell membrane and genetic material (in prokaryotic cells the genetic material is free floating)

Do protists contain DNA or RNA?

A prokaryotic cell absolutely contains genetic material! This is because all cells that reproduce contain genetic information. A prokayrote's genetic information is stored in it's DNA. The only main difference between the storage of DNA in a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell is that prokaryotic cells do not contain a nucleus, therefore the DNA simply floats within the cell.