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Q: What is the giant fish hook of land called in mass?
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What is the name of the land form north 40 degrees latitude that juts out into the atlantic like a giant fish hook?

Cape Cod

What is the name of the hook used to land a fish?

If you are referring to the large hook that people use to pull the fish on board a boat, that is called a gaff. If you are referring to the large hook that people use to pull the fish on board a boat, that is called a gaff.

What was the giant land mass called?

The giant landmass was known as 'Pangea', before the continental drift separated the land into diffrent continents.

What is the name of the giant fishhook of land in Massachusetts called?

The Cape Cod peninsula. It is called Cape Cod.

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Giant snakeheads can't live on land because they are fish and fish, as you know, have gills to breath under water...

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The land of the flying fish is called Barbados

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Why are giant African land snails called that?

The name is self-explanatory. They are Snails, Giant in size, and native to Africa, also they ared terrestrial (On the Land) as opposed to aquatic species.

What is the name of the small fish that clean sharks?

Juvenile fish are called fry or fingerlings.

What is the meaning of english?

from Engle (plural) "the Angles," the name of one of the Germanic groups that overran the island 5c., supposedly so-called because Angul, the land they inhabited on the Jutland coast, was shaped like a fish hook.

What is the giant continent that was composed of all the land on earth was called?

I believe it was called 'Pangaea' [Pan-gee-ah]