

What is the glowing compound used in radium stickers?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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9y ago

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Radium is a radio active element which always undergoes nuclear fission and desentegration, and releases energy in the form of radiation. It is an element. There is no compound in it. It contains atoms of radium.

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9y ago
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Q: What is the glowing compound used in radium stickers?
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Is the word glowing a noun pronoun verb adjective or adverb?

If you were to say "she is glowing with health" then glowing is used as a verb. If you were to say "we were dazzled by her glowing smile" then glowing is used as an adjective. It is often the case that the present participle of a verb also functions as an adjective.

What does radium cure?

Radium was used in the past as a radioactive source in the radiotherapy of some cancers.

What was radium used for in the late 1800s through the early 1900s?

Radium was discovered in 1898 !

How is radium useful?

Radium is used today to treat Cancer and other medical caused deseases. It is also used in watch hands and gauges in airplanes. Radium is RADIOACTIVE and is not something to mess with.