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Spaying/neutering rabbits help rabbits not to breed. Also, if they don't breed they will live longer and become more territorial. Spayed/nuetered rabbits will be happier living with rabbits they dislike.

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Q: What is the good for spaying rabbits?
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Related questions

When can you get your rabbits spayed?

I would recommend spaying or neutering your pet rabbit at around four to six months of age.

Two female rabbits displaying mating behavior and nesting could this be a phantom pregnancy?

Unless there has been a mistake in the sexing of your rabbits it is quite likely a phantom pregnancy. Phantom pregnancies and other hormonal activities can be prevented in large part by spaying both of your female rabbits!

Is it necessary that a rabbit has to give birth in its life?

No, not at all; in fact, there are health, behavioural, and moral/social benefits to spaying/neutering your rabbits before they even reproduce.

Why are rabbits good predators?

Rabbits are not predators. Rabbits are prey.

Can you undo spaying on a cat?

No. Spaying and neutering are irreversible procedures.

Is unsweetened applesauce good for rabbits?

Appleasauce is not good for rabbits. They cannot handle the substance of it.

Is it okay not to spay or neuter rabbits?

I assume that you are talking about pet rabbits. Neutering male rabbits is preferable because it will prevent them from spraying around your house. They spray to mark their territory just like a cat will. Spaying a female rabbit is preferable because it prevents her from going into heat and exhibiting all sorts of strange behavior from chin rubbing to aggression.

What is a good concluding paragraph about rabbits?

now you see why rabbits are kewl!!

What are the After affects of spaying?

After spaying a female, they usually make cry a little but normally nothing.

Do bitches still bleed after spaying?

As the womb is removed during the spaying operation, the answer is no, they do not bleed afterwards.

What are the Signs of a spaying?

There are no real downsides to spaying. Spaying prevents unwanted litters and could save your dog's life by preventing life-threatening womb infections or mammary tumours.

Do UK mini lop rabbits make good house rabbits?

No, not at all