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Q: What is the graph between time period and radius of an atom?
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What happens to the radius of an atom as you go from the 7th period to the 1st period?

It increases.

When determining the size of an atom by measuring the bond radius the radius of an atom is?

One half the distance between nuclei.

What is the atomic radius?

The atomic radii is an estimation of the radius of an atom. The value of the atomic radii is based off an approximation of the distance from the atom's nucleus to the edge of the atom's electron cloud.

What is the smallest atomic radius in period 5?

Argon is the atom that has the smallest radius in Period 3. As you go cross Period 3 from left to right, the atomic radii of the elements decrease. The elements in Period 3 from left to right begin with sodium and ends with argon.

What is an atomic radius?

Atomic radius is the measure from the middle of an atom to the outter edge. Usually mesured between two atom. Measure from the middle of one atom to the middle of another and then divide by two.

What atom has the largest atomic radius between Al and Ti?


Which is a reasonable estimate for the radius of an atom?

The diameter of an atom varies between 62 and 520 pm, depending on on the specific type of atom.

What is the atomic radius of an atom that is chemically bonded to an identical atom equal to?

Half the distance between the two nuclei

Can give you some explanation about the structure of the atom esspecially about it's radius?

Atomic radius is simply the radius of the atom, an indication of the atom's volume.

What is the radius of an atom in picometers?

Scandium empirical atom radius: 160 pm Scandium calculated atom radius: 184 pm

When the atom becomes an anion what happens to its radius?

The radius of an anion is bigger than the radius of a neutral atom.

What are the relationships between the melting point and the atomic radius of an atom?

A relation doesn't exist.