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Q: What is the grass for if the horse is already dead?
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What good is a grass if the horse is already dead?

Although the situation may seem futile, the grass still serves as a source of nourishment for other animals and insects in the ecosystem. It also helps to prevent soil erosion and maintains the ecological balance of the environment, even if the horse is no longer able to benefit from it.

What are the explanations of the Filipino sayings What good is the grass if the horse is already dead?

This saying means that it is pointless to worry about something that is no longer relevant or useful. It highlights the futility of focusing on things that cannot be changed or have already happened. It encourages people to move on and let go of situations that are beyond their control.

What good is the grass if the horse is dead?

No good with a dead horse.

What kind of proverb is what good is the grass if the horse is already dead?

humorous proverbs

What type of horse cant eat grass?

Besides a seahorse, a horse that has foundered on grass must be kept away from grass. Green, lush grass could kill an already foundered horse. (ponies are at greater risk)

What is the meaning of shooting a dead horse?

"shooting a dead horse"means that you are repeatedly doing or saying something that is pointless because of the fact that the said "problem" you keep addressing has already been resolved. this is comparable to shooting a dead horse because if the horse is already dead, shooting it again isn't going to make it any more dead. Plus that would be a tremendous waste of bullets...

Things to use for breyer horse feed?

I have found that shredded paper and dried grass both work, although the grass must be dead.

What food chain does a horse fit into?

the humans sometimes eat/kill the wolf and the bear. the wolf and the bear, if successful, eats the horse, but mainly the weak and/or old ones. the horse eats grass, dead grass, and bushes.(: hope this helps!

How do you explain what good is the grass if the horse is dead?

It means when a solution comes after the problem. So there is no use for it anymore.

Proverbs grass is useless to a lifeless horse meaning?

A dead horse doesn't eat, so it doesn't matter if it has grass to eat or not. If you're paying a cost to get something, you have to be mindful of what the cost is. Just like the horse, you can't enjoy it unless you're alive.

Will fertilizer make dead grass grow?

No. If the grass is dead it's dead.

What does flogging a dead horse mean?

- My efforts are futile - Pissing in the wind (Australian slang) etc. bark at the moon catch at shadows bite a file beat the air in vain plough the air etc.