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the gravitational attraction of apple is sun.

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Its because of gravitaional force.

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Q: What is the gravitational attraction of apple on the earth when it falls on earth?
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An apple falls because of the gravitational attraction to earth. How does the gravitational attraction of the earth to the apple compare?

Considering the mass of the two objects should answer that question.

Why does an apple fall to Earth?

The apple has mass. The Earth has mass. The apple falls down, and the Earth "falls" up. The Earth's motion is not measurable. The apple's motion is.

When an apple falls to the ground the apple's beginning kinetic energy and ending gravitational potential energy are both equal to what?

Zero J

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Does the Apple not fall from the tree?

The apple that fell from the tree is approximately 14 feet away from the tree. One would have to walk quite a ways in order to grab it and eventually eat it.

What energy does an apple hanging from a tree have?

chemical energy

How does the moon manipulate the tides?

The moon's gravitational attraction causes water to rise up to a certain height and simultaneously , Earth's rotational movement causes the raised up water to move forward and it falls down. This gives the appearance of tides.

What forces act upon a meteor as it falls toward Earth?

Forces of gravity ( gravitational force) pulls the meteor to earth

What happens if your luggage falls out of a plane?

It falls to the ground because of Earth's gravitational pull possibly hurting or damaging something or someone below.

When an apple falls from a tree to the ground the apples beginning kinetic energy and ending gravitational potential energy are both equal to?


How can gravity cause movement of earth materials?

Because most of the earth's surface is not perfectly flat.Some places are high er, and some places are lower.Gravity is aways pulling things from high places down to low places.This downhill movement of earth's material caused by gravity is called mass wasting.Mass wasting depends largely on how steep a slope is.

Tide result from pull of gravity exerted upon the earth by what or is it nothing?

Yes, Tides are periodic rises and falls of large bodies of water. Tides are caused by the gravitational interaction between the Earth and the Moon. The gravitational attraction of the moon causes the oceans to bulge out in the direction of the moon. Another bulge occurs on the opposite side, since the Earth is also being pulled toward the moon