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1.98 x 10 ^ 20 N

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Q: What is the gravitational force that hold the moon in orbit around the earth?
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Which type of force is responsible for keeping the moon in the orbit around earth?

Gravitational Force is responsible for keeping the moon in the orbit around Earth.

What force keeps earth in orbit?

The gravitational force.

How would the motion of the moon change with no centripital force?

the moon rotates around the earth. The force keeping it in orbit around the earth aka the centripital force is caused by the gravitational force between the moon and the earth. If the gravitational force and thus the centripital force dissapeared, the moon would fly off tangent to its circular orbit

Why does the moon require gravitational force?

If the Earth had no gravitational effect on the Moon, then it wouldn't orbit the Earth. The Moon revolves around the Earth just like the Earth revolves around the Sun.

Identify one force that keeps earth in orbit around the sun?

Gravitational force keeps the earth in orbit around the sun. The theory of gravity was originally proposed by Sir Isaac Newton.

What force causes the moon to stay in orbit around the earth?

Earth's gravitational pull. See attached link for more information.

Do astronauts in orbit around the earth experience the same gravitational force as they do on ground?

Yes, but they do not "feel" gravity, because they are falling - "free fall" in orbit around the Earth.

What force keeps satellite in orbit around the Earth?

There is only one main force acting on a satellite when it is in orbit, and that is the gravitational force.

What force allows satellites to orbit the earth?


What happens if the sun cause gravity?

The Sun does have a gravitational force. As a result of this force, Earth stays in orbit around the Sun.

What fundemental force keeps the earth in the sun?

You mean 'keeps in the orbit of the sun? Gravitational force of attraction keeps the earth going around the sun.

What is the gravitational force that holds the moon in orbit around the earth?

1.98 x 10 ^ 20 N