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Probably giving us fresh air or supplying us with food.

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Q: What is the greatest contribution of plants of living things on earth?
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What is greatest contribution of plants to living things on earth?


How do living things cause environmental change?

The manure of living things are their greatest contribution to environmental change, through the generations of CO2, but they also exhale and expel CO2 gasses. CO2, although essential for plants, becomes and problem in large amounts, leading to the exaggeration of the greenhouse effect.

Which biome has the greatest diversity of living things?

The rain forest has the greatest diversity of animals and plants living in it. The ocean has the greatest biodiversity of any biome. The rainforest has the greatest biodiversity of any terrestrial biome.

What do plants give living things?

Plants give living things oxygen to live.

Are the living things and non living things is an ecosystem interdependent?

Some of the living and non-living things in ecosystem interdependent are plants. Plants give out oxygen.

Do all living things have hearts?

No. Plants are living things, and they don't have hearts (:

What is the greatest contribution of plant to living things on earth?


What do plants have that animals do not?

plants are living things

How plants are living things?

plants are living things becaose they grow in the earth and come above the earth

How are plants and animals different from non living things?


Do many living things get food from other living things?

Green plants make food from sunlight. All animals get their food by eating plants (living things) or animals (also living things)

Is the study of all living things plants and animals?

The study of all living things-plants and animals is Biology