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Air outside your home is probably healthier than the air inside. According to research, indoor air can be 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor air even in the largest and most industrialized cities, even Los Angeles.
Both pollutions are fairly dangerous for different reasons, for indoor it is because we usually sleep indoors and it can be harmful for us to inhale all that pollution constantly. outdoor pollution is dangerous because it contaminates water which we drink and can make us very sick.

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4d ago

Both indoor and outdoor air pollution have serious health risks, but the greatest danger depends on individual circumstances. Outdoor pollution can affect a larger population, while indoor pollution may have a more direct impact on individuals due to prolonged exposure to indoor toxins. In general, both types of pollution should be addressed to protect human health and the environment.

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How does indoor pollution differs from outdoor pollution?

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Jorn Roed has written: 'Relationships in indoor/outdoor air pollution'

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