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Q: Is indoor pollution worse than outdoor pollution?
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What is the greatest danger indoor air pollution or outdoor air pollution?

Air outside your home is probably healthier than the air inside. According to research, indoor air can be 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor air even in the largest and most industrialized cities, even Los Angeles.Both pollutions are fairly dangerous for different reasons, for indoor it is because we usually sleep indoors and it can be harmful for us to inhale all that pollution constantly. outdoor pollution is dangerous because it contaminates water which we drink and can make us very sick.

Is the indoor shot the same size and weight as the outdoor shot in high school?

The indoor shot is the same weight as the outdoor shot but the indoor shot is bigger in size than the outdoor shot. Hope this helps!

What is the difference in outdoor and indoor ceiling fans?

nothing besides outdoor ones will look older and more dirty as indoor will look new. and outdoor is outside and indoor is inside.

Do bean plant grow better indoor than outdoor?

I think indoor will grow better.

Can indoor air pollution be considered a disease?

In itself it is not a disease. Indoor air pollution is 3x to 5x higher indoors than outdoors. Indoor air pollution is caused from conventional household cleaners, aerosol sprays, and fragrances.

Diseases caused by air pollution?

Type your answer here... cancer because children play more of outdoor games than indoor games and when bushes are burnt, they inhale the toxic(9smoke)

Can you tell me a good place to do research on indoor and outdoor heaters online is And which heater is the most safest to use indoor and or outdoor?

Outdoor heaters need to be safe with different types of weather, so they would be different than indoor heaters. They are both effective, but never use an indoor heater outdoors.

Are indoor games better than outdoor games?

Outdoor games rule. You get fresh air and lots of space!

Do outdoor dining sets cost the same as indoor sets?

Usually outdoor dining sets are less expensive than indoor dinning sets. They can, however, be just as expensive.

Are cats lazier than dogs?

indoor cats yes, outdoor cats **** no.

Is garbage pollution worse than coal pollution?

doesnt matter because their both pollution but coal is

Why do indoor malls generally close earlier than an outdoor mall?

the indoor malls usully close first because of weather or daylight issues